
William Sims Bainbridge

Why I looked at this book

I'm interested in the way computer games can envelop us, and in how this tendency could be used in other areas of our lives such as education. This book promises to look at how getting absorbed in a computer game can be similar to religion, and so I hope it will analyse this enveloping tendency. I also hope that it will discuss the nature of religious faith and the strange desire for magic we all seem to have.

First impressions

Looks to be an interesting book, although at the end of the sample Bainbridge gets on to the New Paradigm of the Sociology of Religion, and it is clear he has written extensively about this - I'm wondering if this book will have something of a rehashing of existing material. I'll have to see. The book has lots of references, so it may be one of those works where at the end I've found many more books for my to-read list.
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